Trail Stewardship: Gray Back Peak Day 1
- Sat, Jun 24, 2023 from 07:30 AM to 04:00 PM
- Pikes Peak
- Pikes Peak
- iCal
$0.00 |
Volunteers, we will rendezvous at El Pomar's Penrose House Conference Center, 1661 Mesa Ave, Colorado Springs, at 7:30 to carpool up Old Stage Road
Volunteers must bring work clothes & gloves, water, snacks, lunch, sunscreen, and hat. The work area is about 0.75 miles and about 400 feet elevation from the trailhead. This project is open to the public.
We will stop working at about 2PM so people can hike out a mile to the summit -- it's a great destination that doesn't get visited as much as it deserves!
Once the project is full, we will not be able to accommodate any additional volunteers. This is for safety's sake - to retain a safe crew leader to volunteer ratio - and due to the number of tools available. Please cancel if needed to make room for others, and join the wait list if the trip is full.