PPG WTS - Wilderness Fundamentals Class – CMC Zoom Lecture

Lecture: PPG WTS - Wilderness Fundamentals

PPG WTS - Wilderness Fundamentals Class – CMC Zoom Lecture

Zoom class session for PPG's Wilderness Trekking School (WTS) Wilderness Fundamentals (Wild Fun) Course

  • Mon, Feb 3, 2025
  • Pikes Peak
  • Hiking
  • Adults
  • For Beginners (Getting Started Series)

This online class is for students enrolled in the PPG's Wilderness Fundamentals course

** Zoom connection information will be emailed to registered participants **

This online class session occurs over Zoom and covers:

  • The fundamentals of choosing back country gear
  • The Ten Essentials
  • Trip planning
  • Nutrition
  • Conditioning
  • Leave No Trace (LNT) conservation practices
  • Mountain weather
  • Safety
  • Emergency planning protocol (what to do when things go wrong)
  • Field Day planning information

** Zoom connection information will be emailed to registered participants **

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Zoom Connection
Note taking material

Trip Reports