PPG Avalanche Terrain Avoidance Field Session – Pikes Peak - Glen Cove

Field trip: PPG - Avalanche Terrain Avoidance

PPG Avalanche Terrain Avoidance Field Session – Pikes Peak - Glen Cove

The Avalanche Terrain Avoidance field session is a half-day trip to look at and evaluate terrain to determine if it is likely avalanche terrain.

  • Sat, Jan 11, 2025
  • Pikes Peak
  • Avalanche Education
  • Adults
  • For Beginners (Getting Started Series)

Details for meeting place and time will be provided by the course Leader during the classroom session and/or via email to registered students.


Pikes Peak - Glen Cove

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

1.  Ten essentials

2.  Food and hydration appropriate for a cold weather day in the field

3.  Clothing adequate for a cold weather day in the field

4.  Snow travel equipment such as snowshoes or skis

5.  A dedicated inclinometer, a compass with an inclinometer feature or an inclinometer app on a smart phone

Trip Reports