PPG WTS - Basic Land Navigation - 2024 - Session B

Navigation Course

Land Navigation

This course is the second course in the Pikes Peak Group's Wilderness Trekking School (WTS) curriculum.


The PPG WTS - Wilderness Fundamentals Course is the prerequisite for this course.  Students must have earned the "Wilderness Trekking School Student" badge to be able to register for this course.

The prerequisite course covers concepts that will be expected knowledge for this course and will reference the textbook (Freedom of the Hills, 9th ed.) provided from the PPG WTS - Wilderness Fundamentals Course.

This course is the second course in the Pikes Peak Group's Wilderness Trekking School (WTS) curriculum. This course may also be a prerequisite for trips or other schools.

If you have any questions or if you have issues registering for this course, please contact Joe Preiss (zmqjwp@gmail.com) to request assistance.

schedule / content

First Classroom Session (6-9pm): Lecture via Zoom

Discussions include maps, compass, orienteering, estimating distance, interpreting map symbols, properly reading topo contour lines, learning about declination, sighting, taking a bearing, and technologies such as GPS. You’ll also participate in class exercises using a map and compass.

Second Classroom Session (6-9pm): Lecture via Zoom

Discussions include maps, compass, orienteering, estimating distance, interpreting map symbols, properly reading topo contour lines, learning about declination, sighting, taking a bearing, and technologies such as GPS. You’ll also participate in class exercises using a map and compass.

Students must then participate in a PPG trip where they are afforded the opportunity to practice and demonstrate their land navigation skills. This will be listed as a separate trip.


Course Leader:  Joe Preiss:  zmqjwp@gmail.com

Badges you will earn:

Course Requirements
Course Activity Date Availability Leader
PPG WTS - Basic Land Navigation Classroom Sessions
CMC Zoom Lecture
Wed, Oct 9, 2024
Registration closes Oct 6
11 participants
CMC Zoom Lecture
Wed, Oct 16, 2024
Registration closes Oct 6
11 participants
PPG WTS - Basic Land Navigation Course Field Day
Lovell Gulch
Sat, Oct 19, 2024
Registration closes Oct 6
11 participants
Required Equipment

- Ten Essentials, to include an acceptable orienteering type compass.

- Freedom of the Hills textbook from the PPG WTS - Wilderness Fundamentals course.  If the student was granted a waiver for Wilderness Fundaments, a copy of Freedom of the Hills will be provided during this course.

Course Materials

You must register for this course to see course materials.