Winter Camping School - 2025

Camping, Snowshoeing & Backpacking Course

Winter Camping School

Winter Camping School 2025 session teaches participants how to prepare mentally and physically to spend a night out in winter and the basics for successful camping in freezing conditions.

This is a non-survival school for those who want to enjoy the winter, snow and moonlight in comfort.

The Winter Camping School concentrates on the fundamental understanding, equipment and techniques to keep warm in cold environment on an overnight stay. Skills learned in this school are applicable for anyone who plans to spend time in the winter wilderness including hikers, snowshoers, campers, climbers and skiers. It does not teach high altitude glaciated techniques, but it provides solid foundation that can be expanded to camping over timberline.

The Winter Camping School is open to any member of the CMC regardless of group membership or classification. There are no prerequisites but prior completion of the CMC Wilderness Trekking School and/or some winter hiking experience are recommended.

In order to graduate, students have to attend all lectures (Q and A sessions are optional), watching all video modules and submit all quizzes with satisfactory grading.

Students also have to participate in three qualified CMC trips: one one-day snowshoe trip to learn basic techniques and two overnight field trips.  All trips will be on snowshoes, no skis allowed.

In-person and online lectures (required):
February 11
(in-person) lecture, February 18 and February 25 online at 6:20 PM
Online QandA sessions (optional):
March 4 and March 18, at 6:20 PM
In-person lectures will be held in the CMC clubhouse. Zoom id will be provided for online meetings.

Qualified Snowshoe Trips are not part of the school and will be posted in the CMC schedule on the following dates:
Day Trips: February 22 (required) and March 8 (optional snow structure building practice)
Overnight Trips: March 15-16 and March 29-30 
April 4-5 is reserved as a backup overnight date if qualified trips has to be cancelled. Note, that these are not make-up dates for missed field trips.

Topics covered

• Mechanisms of heat loss and staying warm
• How cold affects the body, cold weather ailments
• Dressing for the cold and snow
• Winter camping gear, stove
• Nutrition and cooking tips and techniques
• Techniques for sleeping warm
• Extending the temperature range of the equipment you may already have
• Site selection and campsite organization
• Tent organization
• Winter travel and using sleds

Badges you will earn:

Course Requirements

This course has no scheduled activities.

Required Equipment

Required equipment is listed on the school's web site.

Course Materials