First Snowshoe Trip for BSS Students

Field trip: Beginner Snowshoe School

First Snowshoe Trip for BSS Students – Course Venue TBA

A snowshoe trip led by BSS Instructors for CMC members who have graduated from the 2024 or 2025 Beginner Snowshoe School and earned the Basic Snowshoeing Course badge. SS Kit loan available. Sign up for ONE trip only.

  • Sun, Mar 16, 2025
  • Denver
  • Snowshoeing
  • Adults
  • For Beginners (Getting Started Series)

The Trip Leader will provide meet place, meet time, venue, and proposed trip stats during the week before, depending on snow availability and conditions, and arrange loaner ss kits for those who need it.

Practice skills with other beginners and gain confidence to select a snowshoe trip off the CMC calendar.  Sign up for one trip only.

Bring your ten essentials, layered clothing appropriate to the day, lunch, waterproof boots, tall gaiters. Recommend a thermos with a warm drink.  Bring your own snowshoe kit or borrow from the Denver BSS inventory. 

Please monitor your email.

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Ten essentials, layered clothing appropriate to the day, lunch, waterproof boots, tall gaiters. Recommend a thermos with a warm drink.  Bring your own snowshoe kit or arrange with Trip Leader to borrow from the Denver BSS inventory. 

Trip Reports