First Snowshoe Trip for BSS Students – Course Venue TBA

Field trip: Beginner Snowshoe School

First Snowshoe Trip for BSS Students – Course Venue TBA

A "first snowshoe trip" for 2024/2025 BSS graduates only, led by BSS instructors. Get comfortable with your skills and learn what CMC SS trips are best for you. Loaner SS kits available. Brainard Lake is our default venue. The trip leaders will choose a venue and let members know details the week before.

  • Sun, Jan 19, 2025
  • Denver
  • Snowshoeing
  • Adults
  • For Beginners (Getting Started Series)
The Trip Leader will provide meet place, meet time, venue, and proposed trip stats during the week before, depending on snow availability and conditions.  
We will meet either at the CMC to pass out ss kits to those who need them or the leader may bring ss kits to an alternate meet place.  
Please monitor your email.

Come out with fellow students and participate in a CMC regular snowshoe trip. Your BSS instructors will work with each student to determine their best regular trip choices.

Wear clothes for the weather, water resistant boots and tall gaiters, lunch and water. Bring your own ss kit or borrow a club kit.

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Clothes for the weather, water resistant boots and tall gaiters, lunch and water.

Trip Reports