
ATA Field Day – Course Venue TBA

The Avalanche Terrain Avoidance course teaches you to recognize when and where avalanche danger may exist. More importantly, how to avoid it. Sources of information and methods for planning routes free from avalanche danger. This course requires no prerequisites. Participating in the field exercises is required to earn the ATA badge.

ATA Field Day – Course Venue TBA

The Avalanche Terrain Avoidance course teaches you to recognize when and where avalanche danger may exist. More importantly, how to avoid it. Sources of information and methods for planning routes free from avalanche danger. This course requires no prerequisites. Participating in the field exercises is required to earn the ATA badge.

ATA Field Day – Course Venue TBA

The Avalanche Terrain Avoidance course teaches you to recognize when and where avalanche danger may exist. More importantly, how to avoid it. Sources of information and methods for planning routes free from avalanche danger. This course requires no prerequisites. Participating in the field exercises is required to earn the ATA badge.

ATA Field Day – Course Venue TBA

The Avalanche Terrain Avoidance course teaches you to recognize when and where avalanche danger may exist. More importantly, how to avoid it. Sources of information and methods for planning routes free from avalanche danger. This course requires no prerequisites. Participating in the field exercises is required to earn the ATA badge.