AIARE AR C4 February 15, 2025

Avalanche Education Course

Avalanche Rescue

AIARE Avalanche Rescue is a one-day stand alone course that teaches best practices in avalanche rescue techniques and gear usage.


One minute, you and your friends are enjoying a blue bird day skiing the backcountry. The next minute an avalanche sweeps down and takes a few of your friends down with it. Would you know what to do? Would you be efficient with your avalanche rescue gear and timely to get to your buddies? You want to know the answers before it happens. A good place to start is with the American Institute of Avalanche Research and Education, AIARE. Their Companion Rescue course will give you the skills, experience and confidence to manage an avalanche rescue.

AIARE Avalanche Rescue is a one-day stand alone course that is intended to be retaken on a regular basis in order to keep abreast of best practices in rescue techniques and gear. Participants will spend the day in the field receiving instruction on and practicing companion rescue. Field scenarios gives each participant an opportunity to role-role play in multiple search and rescue operations; while receiving instructor coaching throughout. The small instructor to student ratio, 1:6, ensures each participant is achieving the course goals and their own personal goals.

Course outcomes include solid practice opportunities to improve rescue efficiency and rescue times. Experience working in simple and more complex burial scenarios. Participants' organizational and decision making processes in a stressful group setting will be tested and improve. 

Upon successful completion of the course, participants receive an AIARE companion rescue card acknowledging the completion date.

AIARE Avalanche Rescue is a prerequisite for AIARE 2. In addition, AIARE recommends that all backcountry travelers keep their skills current by taking an Avalanche Rescue course and receiving a rescue card at least every other year. CMC requires it every 5 years at least to refresh and update skills for CMC leaders and instructors who lead or instruct in avalanche terrain.

Your AIARE AR Instructor Leader is Uwe Sartori

CMC Members who travel in and around avalanche terrain, this course is for you. 

Have questions. Email Denver AIARE School Director.

Badges you will earn:

Course Requirements

This course has no scheduled activities.

Required Equipment

Clothing:  Bundle up folks. 8 hour field days will commence even during very cold and snowy weather. In Colorado that means layers and back-ups. Hand and toe warmers. Extra gloves and insulation recommended.

Helmet for skiers and split-boarders; optional for snowshoers

Ski goggles and sunglasses

Mode of Travel: AT or Tele skis, split-board, snowshoes

Food for the day, consider hot drink, water, energy snacks

Sunblock, personal med kit, your normal repair kit suitable for your gear 

Think 10 essentials to keep you alive in the cold Colorado winter.  We'll cover it and questions in the zoom lectures.

Avalanche Gear - The Club expects to have Beacon/Probe/Shovel kits available for loan to those students who do not possess their own avalanche gear.  If you do not presently own the gear, you may hold off on purchasing it, and consider borrowing this gear from the club. Especially if you have not made any decisions about the extent of your backcountry winter forays, whichever winter discipline you are contemplating pursuing.

Have questions. Email Denver AIARE School Director.

Course Materials

You must register for this course to see course materials.