Groups & Sections

The fastest way to connect with outdoor enthusiasts near you or who share the same interests.
So, you know what you like—or where you like to recreate. This is the spot to explore new ways to connect with fellow members of the Colorado Mountain Club. Think of it like this: groups = geography; sections = specialty

Groups: find your friends by geography 

Each group operates in a specific region of Colorado, where CMC members share one commonality: a love of the mountains. Groups give you localized access to outdoor recreation opportunities, skill-building schools, and other social activities to connect with your community. Some groups are large and very active; others could use someone like you to jumpstart the CMC spirit. No matter where you call home, you can find others with a shared passion for the outdoors by exploring groups across the state.


DenverBoulderNorthern ColoradoPikes PeakFriends Of CO

 groups around the state

roaring forkel puebloGore rangewestern slope


Add another layer of customization to your club connections by joining a specialty section. Sections run the gamut, but are meant to bring people together around shared interests or life stages that impact how we recreate and appreciate outdoor spaces. You can find sections for outdoorsy families, hard-charging trailblazers, and those only technically over-the-hill. Some cater to weekend warriors in a specific activity; others stress the best social aspects of the mountain lifestyle.

Ascending HikesBackpacking (BPX)bobcatsco high peaksfly fishingmountain bikingphotorocky mountain over the hill gangtrailblazersTrail runningTEchnical Climbing