Trip Report    

Winter Day Hike – Chair Rocks via Colorado Trail

A fun winter hike with super scenery, energetic hiking friends, and of course some ice, snow, and mud along the way. Just about 10-miles round trip and few hikers along the way. A very quiet hike (where were the birds?). Lots of TH parking early in the morning - but less than half full on our return.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • It was just about freezing at the start of hour hike and the trail was snow-packed and icy in spots. As the day warmed up and the sun got us to about 45-degrees, we found some mud and slush in sun-drenched spots. But still icy and snowy in the tree-covered areas. Some used winter traction - but most did not and it really only got slippery in a couple of spots on the way back after things warmed up (mud on a slope in the open field and sun).



image3.jpegA blue bird day turning into some overcast skies gave us clear views of the Chair Rocks from a long distance off. We started at 8am from the trailhead and only saw two hikers before reaching the Rocks around 11.  A nice lunch spot before turning back - where we saw more hikers and two mountain bikers who started on the trail later in the day.  9.6-9.8 total mileage depending on which device you wanted to believe :)  Back to the cars at the TH at 1:45.  A casual paced hike, lots of chatting, and just having a fun time in the Colorado outdoors.