
Trip Report    

Fly Fishing – Tomahawk State Wildlife Area

A beautiful day of fishing with everyone catching something.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Dirt road to the parking area would be passable by most vehicles.

All the members that had signed up for the trip arrived at Tomahawk parking around around 8:40. We wadered-up and headed down to the water around 9:00.

The weather as perfect and the winds calm. So much so that once we reached the meadow, we were confront by some pernicious mosquitoes and had to apply DEET. With the DEET applied, the mosquitoes left us alone for the most part.

Looking down on Tomahawk SWA

We split into smaller groups of two and worked our way upstream, hopscotching over each other as we reached a bend in the river that was occupied. Because of the large number of cars in the parking lot, we expected to run into a lot of other anglers, but we never saw anyone outside our group as we traveled upstream. Quite surprising!

We gathered on the river back for a lunch together, by which time everyone in the group had caught fish. And some caught a few more than others. Around 2:00 we started to hear thunder in the distance so called an end to the trip a bit earlier than planned.

Overall, I think everyone had a good day on the river.