Lincoln Falls

Lincoln Falls ice forms in the colder months at the Northeast base of Mt. Lincoln and includes multiple ice climbs in the WI2-5 range. In general, the area is most suitable for lead climbing with both single- and multi-pitch ice routes.

Lincoln Falls is a rather large natural ice climbing area that forms regularly in the Mt. Lincoln amphitheater on its NE side.  There is parking near the Montgomery Reservoir, not far off CO 9 just south of Hoosier Pass.  To get there, turn west off CO State highway 9 onto County Road 4.  This is a gravel road through a neighborhood that eventually continues around Montgomery Reservoir.  There is parking at various spots along the road near the reservoir and at the end of the road where it gets closed off by a gate.  To get to the climbs, hike along the road around the north side of the reservoir until you get to the final parking area, then cross a grated walkway and find the trail leading uphill to the base of the visible ice falls above.  There is usually a well-travelled track through the snow during ice season.  Due to its convenient location and consistent ice, this can be a very popular ice-climbing spot, so avoid weekends and bringing large groups, if possible.  

  • Length: 1.5 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 800 ft
  • 11,800 ft
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