BPX 3-Day: Rich, Rough, and Tumbling Creeks from Rich Creek TH

This moderate 13-mile backpacking loop makes for a peaceful 3 day trip in the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness south of Fairplay. Willows, aspens, meadows, surrounding peaks, and beaver dams await. Beginning with a gradual ascent along Rich Creek then merging with the mostly downhill Rough and Tumbling Creek Trail, this route offers an enjoyable option for those seeking a more leisurely high-country outing.

Suggested Backpacking Section (BPX) itinerary for 3-day trip to be used for CMC trips led by BPX leaders for BPX members.

Day 1: Drive to Rich Creek TH (approx. 2hrs) and start hiking west along Rich Creek Trail (#616). Steady ascent along the creek, forest most of the way. Hike for approx. 3.0 miles. Ascent will be about 1,200 ft. Find camping.  A few steep, rocky, sections will make you huff and puff! (3.0 miles, +1,247 ft.)

Route: Day 1

Day 2: Continue hiking up Rich Creek Trail (#616). The trail continues to ascend for about 700 ft. over the next mile or so before starting to descend. You will descend for about 1 1/2 miles to the junction with the Rough and Tumbling Creek Trail (#617). Find camping in Buffalo Meadows near the trail junction – turn right on the Rough and Tumbling Creek Trail (#617) to find the Meadows. (3.8 miles,  +441 / -489 ft.)

Route: Day 2

Day 3: Complete the descent along Rough and Tumbling Creek Trail (#617) for the final approx. 5 miles to the Rich Creek TH. Be sure to stay to the left when you reach the intersection with the Lynch Creek Trail. Descent is about 1,600 ft. with a small up and down as you near the TH. (5.6 miles, +483 / -1,652 ft.).

Route: Day 3

Overall Route: 12 miles, +-2,110 ft.


  1. Always practice Leave No Trace techniques.
  2. More information about Buffalo Peaks Wilderness is available here.
  3. The loop can be accessed from the Rich Creek TH or the Lynch Creek TH. This route starts at the Rich Creek TH.
  4. Driving Directions: From the Colorado Mountain Club (Golden, CO) to the Rich Creek TH.

  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Length: 12.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 2,110 ft
  • 11,585 ft
  • Land Manager: U.S. Forest Service
    Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Area, South Park Ranger District (PSINF)
  • Parking Permit Required: USFS Permits & Passes
  • Recommended Party Size: 7
  • Maximum Party Size: 12
  • Maximum Route/Place Capacity: 12
  • Trails Illustrated 110
Trip Reports

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  • BPX 2-Day: Rich, Rough, and Tumbling Creeks from Rich Creek TH
  • BPX 2-Day: Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Loop from Rich Creek TH
  • BPX 3-Day: Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Loop from Rich Creek TH

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