3-Day: Fancy, Treasure Vault and Missouri Lakes from Missouri Lake/Fancy Pass TH

This is a stunning loop through the Holy Cross Wilderness with jaw dropping views, bridged crossings over surging creeks, waterfalls, and serene alpine lakes. The terrain is generally moderate, but with two steep passes to climb and descend. Our highest point will be Fancy Pass (12,360') with exceptional views of the Sawatch Range. This hike is counter-clockwise loop from the Missouri Lake/ Fancy Pass Trail Head, camping at Fancy Lake and then Missouri Lakes with opportunities for fishing. Excellent access to water at each lake and via streams on route.

Suggested Backpacking Section (BPX) itinerary for 3-day trip to be used for CMC trips led by BPX leaders for BPX members

Due to snow lingering at high elevations, suggested timing is late July through early September. The Ranger Station staff are extremely helpful with conditions etc.

Day 1

Goal: Fancy Lake, ~3 miles, starting elevation 10,000ft, ending elevation 11,600ft (1600ft gain)

Route Day 1

The Missouri Lake/Fancy Pass Trail Head is approx. 2.5hrs (130 miles) from CMC. Good parking at the TH and vault toilet at TH but probably crowded on a weekend.  We got there at 9am on Monday and had plenty of space. Gold Park camp ground is very close to the TH but you will need to ask about reservations. Road to TH is bumpy but doable without 4WD.

The trail begins with switchbacks up a forested slope. Cross Fancy Creek over the Zen Bridge and hike a more moderate section. At about mile 2.4, the trail crosses a small, lush meadow then climbs steeply up to Fancy Lake (11,600’). This pretty lake, located at timberline, is ringed by granite peaks and crags. You should get to the lake in the early afternoon, set up camp and relax/fish around the lake. Camping is rather limited but should be fine for about 6 -7 tents.

Optional side trip to Holy Cross Ghost Town (3m and 500/500ft RT):

This interesting side trip to see a handful of old buildings in the Ghost Town is a popular option if you don’t want to fish. From Fancy Lake, the trail continues around the right side of the lake (northeast) and climbs up the hillside to a clearly marked trail junction. Turn right on the Fancy Lake Spur (2006.1A) for about 1 mile of up and down hills (~250ft up & down) to the trail end. Continue on a jeep road for about 0.3mile to Holy Cross Ghost Town. Total distance to Holy Cross Ghost Town is about 1.5 miles, 250ft ascent/ 250ft descent so double this for the return hike. 

Day 2

Goal: Missouri Lakes via Treasure Vault Lake, 2.5 miles (1,100ft ascent/1,100ft descent)

Route Day 2

From Fancy Lake, the trail continues around the right side of the lake (northeast) and climbs a steep gully up the hillside running along the north side of the lake. Following the good trail that climbs steeply up a rocky ravine to Fancy Pass, (12,380’) the high point of the trip, gaining about 700-ft. in 0.6 miles.  The pass was snow covered even in late July but manageable with hiking poles. Just below the pass some old mining ruins are scattered around the ravine. At the top, the views are spectacular but the wind can knock you over (or take off your hat). The valley below may be covered in wildflowers with plentiful marmots and pikas.

From the pass views to the southwest encompass the head of the Cross Creek valley, clad in beautiful meadows dotted with lakes and surrounded by granite peaks. The large lake in the distance is Blodgett Lake while the nearby lake, just below Missouri Pass, is Treasure Vault Lake.  Hike down to reach the junction of the Cross Creek Trail with Fancy Pass Trail (11,802ft) (about 0.75miles and 550ft descent). There is a good stream across the trail to replenish your water. Plenty of resting spots for lunch near Treasure Vault Lake (11,675ft) but difficult to reach the shore.

Take the Missouri Lakes Trail (#2003) and hike up to Missouri Pass (11,986’), a much shorter and friendlier climb. Again, at the top the views are stunning. Heading down from Missouri Pass you reach a large tarn (11,535ft) then in about 0.3 miles reach Upper Missouri Lake (11,502ft) in a wide, level basin below the pass. About half a mile further on we reach Lower Missouri Lake (11,410’). Gentle terrain, ponds and streams complement this idyllic setting. Plenty of camping spots around each of the lakes. Plenty of mosquitos too!

Day 3 

Goal: Return to Missouri/Fancy Pass TH, 3.5 miles (1,500ft descent)

Route Day 3

Continuing down the Missouri Lakes trail and you will encounter a large avalanche field with hundreds of downed trees.  However, there is a well-marked trail through the timbers that connects you to the original trail again. Continue down through the shaded woods to the TH.

Overall Route

Alternate: Instead of camping at Treasure Vault you could camp at Blodgett Lake just beyond that and/or that is a four day trip.

  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Length: 11.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 3,600 ft
  • 12,360 ft
  • Land Manager: U.S. Forest Service
    Holy Cross Wilderness Area, Holy Cross Ranger District (WRNF)
  • Parking Permit Required: USFS Permits & Passes
  • Recommended Party Size: 6
  • Maximum Party Size: 12
  • Maximum Route/Place Capacity: 12
  • Trails Illustrated 126
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  • 3-Day: Fancy, Blodgett and Missouri Lakes from Missouri Lake/Fancy Pass TH

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