BPX 3-Day: Five Pass Loop Tour of the Horns from Matterhorn Creek TH

This very beautiful 17.3 mile loop trip circles Wetterhorn and Matterhorn Peaks in the Uncompahgre Wilderness. With 6,400 vertical feet of climb over five high passes it is considered difficult, but with endless views of the San Juans it is worth the pain.

Suggested Backpacking Section (BPX) itinerary for 3-day trip to be used for CMC trips led by BPX leaders for BPX members:

Day 1: Starting from FS 870 hike to Matterhorn Creek TH to avoid rough road section from 870 to TH and then hike on Matterhorn Cutoff Trail 245 and and right at junction on Ridge Stock Driveway 233 over a high ridge and past the Matterhorn trail then down and across small creek with whitre mineral deposits to find poles markers for East Fork Trail 228 down the valley. Good camping near shepherds hut and trees. (~5 miles/2100’).

Route Day 1

Day 2: Continue west on a primitive trail through the camping  area to descend to the valley and the Matterhorn Trail where you can easily ford creek in late summer and pick-up Middle Fork Trail going uphill - watch for pole markers. Climb over nearly 12,600 foot pass and then steep descent  to a treed area with creek nearby and many camping areas. This would be a good stopping point if lightning is a concern for the next segment  which climbs the Coxcomb Trail 132 approximately 1,500 feet to the pass below Coxcomb Peak (the highpoint of the loop at 12,939 ft) and down to the Middle Fork of the Cimarron River.  Watch for trail along valley ridge or take alternate to east side to avoid exposure but both will descend to more defined trail and into camp just past a small creek.(~5 miles/2,500 feet up and 2,500 feet down’).

Route Day 2

Day 3: Continue up the valley and look for Middle Canyon Trail 136 on the right which climbs steeply up the prominent ridge to the south . Climb over and descend into Middle Canyon  to eventual intersection with the Matteron Creek Trail return to  the trailhead and cars (~7.3 miles, 1,800 up and 3,1000 down).

Route Day 3

Overall Route

Driving Directions: From Route 149 in Lake City, turn west on Second Avenue (Route 20) following the signs for Engineer Pass. Follow Second Avenue until it “T”s at Bluff Street and turn left, the road becomes the Henson Creek Road, and it is graded gravel. Follow it for 9.2 miles to the old Capitol City site and the North Henson Creek Road. Turn right here and follow the now rougher and steeper road for 2 miles to Matterhorn Creek, and a signed turnoff.  Drive from Golden to Lake City is 240 miles and 4 1/2 hrs.

General Requirements: Trip can be done in either direction. Counter-clockwise direction, as above, may be best if traveling to TH on day 1, with resulting later start, to have shorter hiking day then.Park at the intersection of USFS Road 870.2a and 870. Drive up to the official trailhead requires a high clearance 4WD. Driving on 870 from Capitol City to the start of 870.2a is very rough and requires slow go - higher clearance like Outback is OK - 4WD not required on 870.

Notes from 2020 Trip: Very good loop but group thought it was ‘Most’ Difficult but worth it. Do not take shortcut over Wetterhorn Pass - on last day - use as planned Middle Canyon. The pass is shorter but no switch backs going up and downhill side requires a long transverse on a very poor trail with loose rock on very steep slope with cliffs below. Three day trip only if perfect weather. Might consider four day with an additional stop to allow ascending CoxComb Pass early in the day. This trip should be called the Five Pass Loop - Tour of the Horns.

  • Difficulty: Difficult
  • Length: 17.3 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 6,400 ft
  • 12,939 ft
  • Land Manager: U.S. Forest Service
    Uncompahgre Wilderness Area, Gunnison Ranger District (GMUG)
  • Parking Permit Required: USFS Permits & Passes
  • Recommended Party Size: 6
  • Maximum Party Size: 12
  • Maximum Route/Place Capacity: 12
  • Trails Illustrated 141
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  • BPX 4-Day: Five Pass Loop Tour of the Horns from Matterhorn Creek TH

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