BPX 2-Day: Morrison Creek from Little Scraggy TH
This is an out and back, easy early season and close-in trip. Colorado Trail Segment 3 - Little Scraggy TH to Morrison Creek. Intended for use as pre-season gear shakedown trip for those wanting to test their personal fitness and backpacking equipment, before hitting the long trails. Could also be an easy after work hike in with a short trek to camping overnight, hike out the following day. Total distance 6.0 miles and 900 feet elevation gain.
Camping is just up stream from where Colorado Trail crosses Morrison Creek near an interesting rock formation at foot of Little Scraggy peak.
Suggested Backpacking Section (BPX) itinerary for 2-day trip to be used for CMC trips led by BPX leaders for BPX members.
Day 1 – Hike 3.0 miles west on Colorado Trail Segment 3 to Morrison Creek for camping. (2.8 miles, 400 feet up, 500 down).
Day 2 – Hike out same path (3.0 miles, 500 feet elevation gain).
Note: Possible option to make trip a loop by returning around Little Scaggy Peak on way out (9.4 miles, +1568 ft, -1432ft).
Water at Morrison Creek is seasonal and may dry out in summer months. Good idea to take minimal amount for overnight ‘dry’ camping just in case.
TH is paid parking, $10 per vehicle as of 2024.
- Suitable Activities: Backpacking
- Seasons: April, May, June, July, August, September, October
- Weather: View weather forecast
- Difficulty: Easy
- Length: 5.5 mi
- Elevation Gain: 900 ft
Land Manager:
U.S. Forest Service
South Platte Ranger District (PSINF)
- Parking Permit Required: USFS Permits & Passes
- Recommended Party Size: 10
- Maximum Party Size: 12
- Maximum Route/Place Capacity: 12
- Trails Illustrated 105, 135
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- 2-Day: Morrison Creek loop from Little Scraggy TH returning around Little Scraggy
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