BPX 2-Day: Lost Glacier Gap and Crescent Lake
This is a moderately difficult loop trip in the Snowy Range in southeast Wyoming and makes a loop around Browns Peak going through the glacier gap with an overnight at Crescent Lake. Total distance 11.4 miles and 1,600 feet elevation gain.
The trip is generally at tree line and the area has numerous lakes with snow lingering far into the summer, campground does not open until July 15th, so this is a hike for late summer.
Suggested Backpacking Section (BPX) itinerary for 2-day trip to be used for CMC trips led by BPX leaders for BPX members:
Day 1: From the Sheep Lake TH - just before Brooklyn Lake Campground entrance – hike up the road towards campground and the Lost Glacier Lake Trailhead and take trail west, hike 3.5 miles staying right (north) uphill towards the Gap Lakes. Go past South Gap Lake and through The Gap to North Gap Lake and then take trail fork to the right uphill to several smaller lakes. At second lake midway on north shore look for saddle and open meadows north to descend into Crescent Lake which has excellent campsites and is off the beaten path. (5.7 miles, 1,100 feet up and 900 down).
Day 2: From campsite on west shore of Crescent Lake a heading northnorthwest tangent to shore across open meadow and slight uphill to trees on ridge where you will find the continuation of the Lost Glacier Lake Trail. Take that right in northeast direction to intersection with Sheep Lake Trail east and return to the Brooklyn Lake trailhead (5.7 miles, 600 feet up and 900 down).
- Suitable Activities: Backpacking
- Seasons: July, August, September
- Weather: View weather forecast
- Difficulty: Moderate
- Length: 11.4 mi
- Elevation Gain: 1,600 ft
- 11,035 ft
- Land Manager: U.S. Forest Service
- Parking Permit Required: USFS Permits & Passes
- Recommended Party Size: 6
- Maximum Party Size: 12
- Maximum Route/Place Capacity: 12
- National Forest Service - Medicine Bow - Snowy Range
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