
Hiking – Watrous Gulch Trail

From the trailhead at 10300', we will hike up the Herman Gulch trail and the Watrous Gulch trail for about 2 miles toward Woods Mountain. We will turn around at about 11500' and return by same route.

  • Thu, Aug 15, 2024
  • Denver
  • Hiking
  • Adults
  • Easy
  • Easy
  • Mileage: 4.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,200 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 11,500 ft
  • Pace: slow to moderate

Leave from Wooly Mammoth in Section HH at 8:00am. Driving distance is 82 mi RT = $25 shared by car pool.

Social stop at Tommyknockers in Idaho Springs apre hike. Leader - Norm Arlt, 303-437-3968


Watrous Gulch Trail

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

The Ten Essentials

Trip Reports