Silver Dollar Lake


Hiking – Silver Dollar Lake - Murray Lake and Beyond

Murray Lake and Beyond - Hike up the trail to Silver Dollar Lake and on to Murray Lake, bushwhack up to the ridge above Murray, traverse to the saddle between Argentine and Wilcox, drop down to Murray Lake, and follow trail back to Silver Dollar Lake and trailhead.

  • Thu, Jul 25, 2024
  • Denver
  • Hiking
  • Adults
  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 7.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,800 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 12,900 ft
  • Pace: slow to moderate

Leave from Wooly Mammoth Ride Share lot Section HH 8am. Driving distance is 84 mi RT x .30 = $25 shared by vehicle occupants. Need SUV for last mile of road.

From the trailhead at 11,200’ near Guanella Pass, we will hike up the trail to Silver Dollar Lake and on to Murray Lake. We will then leave the trail, bushwhack up to the 12,900' ridge above Murray Lake, traverse to the saddle between Argentine and Wilcox, drop down to Murray Lake, and follow trail back to Silver Dollar Lake and trailhead. Leader - Norm Arlt, 303-437-3968


Silver Dollar Lake

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Ten Essentials

Trip Reports