Hiking – Rosalie Trail - Guanella Pass TH


Hiking – Rosalie Trail - Guanella Pass TH

A brisk Bobcat thru hike from Guanella Pass to the Abyss Trail TH. A mostly downhill car shuttle trip with several stream crossings. Descent about 2300' and ascent about 300.' Variety of beautiful fall landscapes, mostly at over 10,000' elevation.

  • Thu, Oct 5, 2023
  • Bobcats Section
  • Hiking
  • Adults
  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 9.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: -2,300 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 11,820 ft
  • Pace: 2.3

We'll meet at The Fort at 6:30 to arrange carpools and a prompt drive-away.  We'll make a comfort stop along the way at Loaf N Jug, 173 Bulldogger Rd.  We will then drive to Geneva Creek Rd, drop cars at the Abyss TH, then drive up to Bierstadt TH to start the hike.

When we did a variation of this trip in June, Scott Gomer Creek was running WAY too high to cross at the designated place.  We want to go back and finish that middle part of Rosalie Trail.

We received a request last year from a group of serious Bobcat hikers for more thru-hikes, knowing they require more member planning and driving, because they are interesting.  Still refining the list, but this is part  of the series we plan to do this year for Bobcats, mostly on Thursdays.  

The Bobcats’ mission is to ensure a variety of challenging CMC trips, mostly on weekdays, all year long, for our mostly 50+ constituents.  We don’t have dues or elections and we invite ALL CMC members to sign up for any Bobcat trip. You can search the CMC Calendar for Bobcat trips any time by selecting “Bobcats Section” in the CMC Trip Search sidebar.  

We send out a monthly email to our members with all the coming month’s trips, just after those trips are activated. To join our free mailing list and become a member, write office@cmc.org asking to be added to the "Bobcats Section" in your Member Profile.

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

10 essentials, lunch, waterproof boots or socks, long gaiters, layers appropriate to the weather including rain gear, hiking poles.  Trimmed bread bags can be used as  a waterproof layer between boot and socks.

Trip Reports