Hiking – Horsetooth Mountain Open Space
MODERATE SPEED TRAINING HIKE! For those interested in an evening training hike at Horsetooth Mountain (under the stars), but are not sure you can keep up with a super fast pace, this hike is for you. This hike will be at a moderate pace (1.7-2.2 mph), but will still be a training hike (not stopping for snacks or pictures). These are also a good way to get outdoors in the evenings as a group when it gets dark early.
- Mon, Jan 27, 2025
- Northern Colorado
- Hiking
- Adults
- Moderate
- Mileage: 5.2 mi
- Elevation Gain: 1,440 ft
- High Point Elevation: 7,248 ft
- Pace: 1.7 - 2.2 mph
- 4 (6 capacity)
- 1 (2 capacity)
- Cancellation & Refund Policy
We will meet at the Horsetooth Mountain Open Space Trailhead (6650 W County Rd 38E) ready to hike at 5:30 PM. For those wanting to carpool from Fort Collins meet at the south side of JJs Country Corner at 5:10 departure time is 5:15 PM
Note: A parking permit is required for HT Mountain Open Space
This is a moderately paced training hike. The pace (1.7 - 2.2 mph), in general will be approximately 2.5-3 hours round trip. The group will stick together. As a training hike, we will make an effort to keep moving (minimize stops) as we head for the summit.
If you want additional challenge please add pack weight to enjoy a good ruck.
If you are looking for a fast paced hike/ruck (2.5-3 mph), please sign up for the other training series at Horsetooth.
Required Equipment
In addition to the 10 Essentials be prepared for hiking at night in cold conditions.
Be sure to bring clothing layers and a headlamp. In the winter, please also be prepared with microspikes. If you do not have appropriate equipment at the trailhead, there is a chance you may not be able to participate.