Hiking – Buffalo Mtn 12,777'
Buffalo Mtn 12,777'
- Mon, Aug 29, 2022
- Bobcats Section
- Hiking
- Adults
- Mod C
- Moderate
- Mileage: 6.0 mi
- Elevation Gain: 3,000 ft
- High Point Elevation: 12,777 ft
- Pace: Moderate pace (2.0 mph avg moving speed)
- 3 (11 capacity)
- Cancellation & Refund Policy
We will meet at Wooly Mammoth Park and Ride, section EE (not BB) at 6:30am for a PROMPT departure of 6:45am. Here’s a Google Maps link to Wooly Mammoth:
We will start our hike at the Buffalo Mountain trailhead, in Silverthorne. To get there, we take I70 to exit 205 Silverthorne/Dillon and travel north on Hwy 9 to the first traffic light. Turn left on Wildernest Road, staying left. In 3.6 miles, Wildernest Road becomes Ryan Gulch Road, passing many condos. We arrive at the large trailhead parking and take the Buffalo Cabin Trailhead. Here is a Google Maps link to the trailhead: The plan is to start our hike at about 8:15am
Buffalo Mountain is located in the Gore Wilderness near Silverthorne. This trail winds through a lodgepole pine forest without much elevation gain for .4 miles before a couple of old log cabins and our trail up Buffalo Peak. Here switchbacks will take us through the piine forest as we have serious elevation gain to scree fields. We then hit the boulder yard and follow cairns up the side. Following the boulders, we come out at an alpine meadow, but before long, return to scree to reach the summit. There are nice views of the Gore Range and all the ranges surrounding Summit County from the top.
I will send out weather information as we get closer to the hike.
Round trip driving distance from Wooly Mammoth to the trailhead is 115 miles.
We will have the option of stopping on the way home for a social stop, not mandatory.
This is a CMC Bobcats trip
The Bobcats’ mission is to ensure a variety of challenging CMC trips, mostly on weekdays, all year long, for our mostly age 50+ constituents. We don’t have dues or elections and we invite all CMC members to sign up for any Bobcats trip. The Bobcats publish an email newsletter on the 15th of each month, which includes the upcoming month’s trips that have just been opened for registration. You can subscribe to this newsletter in the Email Newsletter Preferences section of your CMC Profile.
Required Equipment
Remember to bring your 10 essentials
Sturdy footwear is an essential as we’ll be crossing a boulder field, and have some scree as well.