Canyoneer – Car camp and backpack in Bears Ears NM and the Manti La Sal USFS.


Canyoneer – Car camp and backpack in Bears Ears NM and the Manti La Sal USFS.

Car camp and backpack in Bears Ears NM and the Manti La Sal USFS.

  • Sat, May 27, 2023 — Sun, Jun 4, 2023
  • Pikes Peak
  • Hiking, Canyoneering, Camping, Backpacking
  • Adults
  • Difficult D
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 50.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 12,000 ft
  • Pace: Moderate

Colorado Springs - 5:30am - Sat, 27 May

We will be descending into desert sandstone canyons to explore known ruin sites.  Some off trail scrambling will be required.  Hiking in deep loose sand is expected.  A complete lack of water sources is expected.  Some sites will be inaccessible, so a camera and binoculars are a good idea.  Ability to hike off and on trail over sandstone ledges, scrambling, high exposure at times, etc for multiple long hot days is required.  There will be fees associated with entry, permits, camping, etc that will be charged at the required trip planning meeting.

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

We will mostly be car camping, so we can bring excessive amounts of water and clean clothes.  We can also cook larger meals if desired.  We will have one night/two days of a short backpack where water flows perennially.  Day temperatures should be in the 80's and night temperatures should be in the 50's.

Trip Reports