3-Day: Deep Lake and Heart Lake from Sheep Lake TH returning over Medicine Bow Peak


BPX Trip – 3-Day: Deep Lake and Heart Lake from Sheep Lake TH returning over Medicine Bow Peak

This trip is for BPX Members only. We'll spend three days in enjoying the spectacular views of the Snowy Range. Camp at Deep Lake and then Heart Lake before the challenging ascent of Medicine Bow Peak. The itinerary is the same as described in the Route & Place.

  • Fri, Aug 16, 2024 — Sun, Aug 18, 2024
  • Backpacking Section
  • Backpacking
  • Adults
  • Difficult
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 22.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 3,650 ft
  • Pace: 2.0 mph

Meeting place & time will be provided nearer the time. Expect to drive to the TH on Friday morning and return on Sunday evening.

This is a 'Register with Leader Trip' You can send in the request at any time and if approved, you can register when the trip opens. When you make your request please describe your backpacking experience and tell me the base weight of your pack.

This should be a gorgeous but difficult trip with lakes and mountains surrounding us for three days. Our first night will be at Deep Lake and the second night at Heart Lake. Our final day starts with a challenging climb and descent of Medicine Bow Peak. We will need to make a careful assessment of the weather to avoid potential lightening storms for this day.  To join this trip you will need to be an experienced backpacker with the fitness necessary to handle the ascents and descents whilst carrying a fully loaded backpack.  

 Leaders will hold a zoom meeting to discuss trip logistics a few weeks before departure.


3-Day: Deep Lake and Heart Lake from Sheep Lake TH returning over Medicine Bow Peak

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

10 Essentials, food & snacks for 3 days, water filtration, comprehensive backpacking gear.

Trip Reports