BPX 3-Day: Rich, Rough, and Tumbling Creeks from Rich Creek TH


BPX Trip – BPX 2-Day: Rich, Rough, and Tumbling Creeks from Rich Creek TH

We are changing it up a bit and making this into a 2 day, 1 night backpack trip. This moderate 13-mile backpacking loop makes for a peaceful 2 day trip in the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness south of Fairplay. Willows, aspens, meadows, surrounding peaks, and beaver dams await. Beginning with a gradual ascent along Rich Creek then merging with the mostly downhill Rough and Tumbling Creek Trail,

  • Fri, Jun 27, 2025 — Sat, Jun 28, 2025
  • Backpacking Section
  • Backpacking
  • Adults
  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 12.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 2,110 ft
  • Pace: 1.8 mph

Details to follow but expect to leave Denver by 7 am . It is about a 2 hour drive and we would like to be hiking no later than 9:30.

This will be a fun trip in a very pretty spot.  As we know, Colorado weather is unpredictable so plan for rain.  Also, there could be mosquitoes so bring repellent if you are prone to bites (as I am)

There is some water crossing so you may want water shoes and please have 2 poles. 


BPX 3-Day: Rich, Rough, and Tumbling Creeks from Rich Creek TH

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

$20 annual BPX Membership Dues are required to participate. Please contact the office at 303-279-3080 ext. 3 or office@cmc.org to join the pack!

Trip Reports