3-Day: Five Pass Loop Tour of the Horns from Matterhorn Creek TH


BPX Trip – 4-Day: Five Pass Loop Tour of the Horns from Matterhorn Creek TH

This is a four-day trip from the 3rd - 6th

  • Tue, Sep 3, 2024 — Fri, Sep 6, 2024
  • Backpacking Section
  • Backpacking
  • Adults
  • Difficult
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 17.3 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 6,400 ft


Please note:

Trip Leader Garrett Pettingell will be out of communications from August 9 - 30.

I will be picking up messages and making calls on Labor Day Weekend. Because of the nature of this trip (it is hard) and my lack of availability leading up to the trip, I encourage only experienced backpackers to sign up.


3-Day: Five Pass Loop Tour of the Horns from Matterhorn Creek TH

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

10 essentials

Trip Reports