
Bike – RMOTHG Terrapin ride along the Clear Creek Trail from Twin Lakes Park west to Anderson Park and back.

RMOTHG Terrapin ride along the Clear Creek Trail from Twin Lakes Park west to Anderson Park and back.

  • Easy to Moderate, Easy to Moderate
  • Easy
  • Mileage: 17.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 167 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 5,341 ft
  • Pace: easy to moderate

Twin Lakes Park. 226 W. 70th Ave, Denver, CO 80221

Please arrive at 8:30 for a 9:00 AM start

This ride is for RMOTHG members and guests. Guests may participate in two activities before joining RMOTHG, but they must either be a CMC member or sign a waiver by registering as a Guest on the CMC website.

If you need contact me my mobile phone is 303.818.8134

There will be an optional lunch at Mickey's 6950 Broadway, Denver, CO

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

WEARING A HELMET IS MANDATORY.  Also bring plenty of water and the ten essentials for cycling: Denver Group Biking Guidance Notes - Google Docs.

Trip Reports