
Bike – Farmer's Highline Canal, Big Dry Creek, Signal Ditch, Lee Lateral Ditch

This is a Hare bike ride on the Farmer's Highline Canal, Big Dry Creek, Signal Ditch, and Lee Lateral Ditch. It's a figure 8 route, mainly on paved trails and streets. There is a hard-packed dirt trail for a couple of miles. This is usually a very sunny ride.

  • Easy, Easy to Moderate, Easy to Moderate
  • Easy
  • Mileage: 24.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 700 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 5,430 ft
  • Pace: 10-13

Meet at the Black-Eyed Pea - 210 W 104th Ave, Northglenn, 80234

Black-eyed Pea - Google Maps

Please arrive by 8:30AM and be ready to ride by 9:00AM.

There will be an optional lunch at Black-Eyed Pea after the ride.

This ride is for RMOTHG members and guests. Guests may participate in two activities before joining RMOTHG, but they must either be a CMC member or sign a waiver by registering as a Guest on the CMC website.


Farmer's Highline Canal, Big Dry Creek, Signal Ditch, Lee Lateral Ditch

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

WEARING A HELMET IS MANDATORY! Please bring plenty of water and review the information below about The 10 Essentials for Cycling and Rules for Safe Riding.

Denver Group Biking Guidance Notes - Google Docs

NOTE: Be certain that your CMC contact information is current! If you or your emergency contact no longer have a land line, please provide current cell numbers!

Trip Reports