3-Day: Zirkel Circle from Slavonia TH


Backpack – 3-Day: Zirkel Circle from Slavonia TH

FAMILY Trip - For Parents with Kids (ages 10+). Hike 10 miles around the stunning Zirkel high peaks, camping at a different lake each night. This moderately difficult trip is 10.4 miles long with 2,400 feet of elevation gain.

  • Fri, Aug 30, 2024 — Sun, Sep 1, 2024
  • Denver
  • Backpacking
  • Families
  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 10.4 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 2,400 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 10,771 ft

Meet at the Slavonia Trailhead (approx. 3.5 hrs from Golden). Friday at 10am ready to hike w/ packs on.

Note: the Slavonia TH is very popular to plan accordingly to secure parking. If you want to arrive the night prior, dispersed camping is available on the road to the TH. Camping must be at least ¼ mile away from Gold and Gilpin Lakes.

This is a FAMILY backpacking trip. FAMILY is defined as at least one parent per family minimum (two encouraged) accompanying at least one child age(s) 10 yrs and up. No solo adults nor kids.

Day 1: Drive to Slavonia Trailhead (approx. 3.5 hrs from Golden). Pit toilets. Start hike on the Gilpin Trail #1161 and after about ¼ mile you will reach a fork. Turn right on the Gold Creek Trail (#1150). You will be hiking counter clockwise as the views are much better in this direction. This part of the trail is heavily shaded with some waterfalls. Hike about 3 miles (1,200ft) to Gold Creek Lake and find camping. Note that camping must be at least 1/4mile from the lake.

Day 2: Continue hiking the steady ascent up to Gilpin Lake Trail. After about 1.5 miles you will come to a fork with the Gilpin Lake Trail #570. Turn left on this trail and continue another 1.5 miles to reach gorgeous Gilpin Lake (Total 3 miles and 1,200 ft).  Find camping at least ¼ mile from the lake.

Day 3: Complete the Zirkel Circle by continuing on the Gilpin Lake Trail back to the TH. This final 4.5 miles is virtually all downhill along Gilpin Creek.  (4.5 miles, minimal elevation).

Overall Route

Details: Revel in flower filled meadows, crystalline lakes, and stunning views of the Continental Divide on a 10.4 mile journey that follows the rushing waters of Gold Creek to reach the pine lined shores of Gold Creek Lake. Worth every ounce of effort, the steep climb up to Gilpin Lake delivers panoramic views of jagged peaks. The Gilpin Trail then drops steeply down and parallels Gilpin Creek back to the TH.


3-Day: Zirkel Circle from Slavonia TH

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

10 essentials plus all your backpacking needs (tent, sleeping bag, warm clothes, etc. etc.) Please contact the trip leaders with any questions.

Trip Reports