Backcountry Skiing/Splitboarding – East Portal TH - Arapaho Lakes
Explore the Arapahoe Lakes area with options to ski interesting lines.
- Sat, Apr 19, 2025
- Northern Colorado
- Backcountry Skiing/Splitboarding
- Adults
- moderately challenging
- Challenging
- Mileage: 8.0 mi
- Elevation Gain: 2,715 ft
- High Point Elevation: 11,917 ft
- Pace: 800 ft/hr
- 5 (5 capacity)
- Cancellation & Refund Policy
The route
The trip will start by following the low angle summer trail connecting the East Portal to Rollins Pass. We will then turn West to climb toward the Arapahoe Lakes. While this part is off trail, it remains clear of all avalanche terrain. Assuming that the weather and avalanche conditions are safe, we will then climb the 30 degree angle slopes to reach the ridge line. The specific line will depend on the experience of participants and the state of the face.
We will follow the same path to return to the trailhead.
See the CalTop Map for additional information.
At this time of the year, we can expect to still be able to ski from the trailhead. We are also likely to find spring snow conditions. Since this is an East facing aspect, it will be necessary to start early to descent before the snow gets excessively wet.
Required experience
- Be comfortable skiing blacks in any snow conditions.
- AIARE Training in the last five years.
- Recent backcountry ski experience
Who should join?
This is a an easy opportunity to enjoy spring backcountry skiing. It can be a great initiation for people without spring skiing experience. For more experienced skiers, it can be a good preparation to more ambitious trips later in the spring.
We will meet at the Eastern Portal Trailhead. Expect to skin up no later than 6 am. Specific time will be communicated a few days before the based on weather and avalanche forecasts.
Required Equipment
Standard AT equipment
Ten Essentials
AT skis, boots, climbing skins, and poles with snow baskets.
Avalanche beacon, shovel, probe.
In addition to this standard equipment you NEED:
Ski crampons and know how to place them on your bindings. You don't need experience using them, though. Ski crampons are inexpensive accessories that are incredibly valuable in the spring when the snow is getting harder. You can probably get crampons fitting your skis and bindings from Skimo.co
Backpack suitable to carry your skis in A frame or diagonal.
Handheld radio, i.e. RockyTalkie highly desirable to facilitate communication.