
Ascending Hikes – Mosquito Peak, Kuss Peak, Treasurevault Mountain, and Mount Tweto

A hard, but beautiful hike up Kuss, Mosquito and Treasurevault Mtns that traverses a ridge all above 13,000'. We will not plan on including Tweeto Mtn on this hike..

  • Challenging
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 7.3 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 2,800 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 13,760 ft
  • Pace: 1 - 1.5 mph
  • FULL, 11 on waitlist (10 capacity)
  • FULL, 1 on waitlist (2 capacity)
  • Cancellation & Refund Policy

Meet at the Fort Restaurant at 5:15 am for a prompt 5:30 am departure.

This is a challenging loop that includes the 13er summits Kuss, Treasurevault and Mosquito.  This is a challenge aimed at the more advanced Ascending HIkers.  The majority of the route is off-trail, and includes the expected rocky ridges (Class 2 Scramble), but no hands-required scrambling. The route is above treeline, so we'll need good weather and an early departure time.

Here is a description of the route:


Mosquito Peak, Kuss Peak, Treasurevault Mountain, and Mount Tweto

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

10 essentials

Trip Reports