Advanced Snowshoe – Lake Isabelle - Indian Peaks Wilderness


Advanced Snowshoe – Lake Isabelle - Indian Peaks Wilderness

Lake Isabelle - Indian Peaks Wilderness

  • Thu, Dec 21, 2023
  • Bobcats Section
  • Snowshoeing
  • Adults
  • Challenging
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 11.2 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,300 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 10,921 ft
  • Pace: 1.5-2.0 MPH

Carpool Place & Time: Meet at CoorsTek Parking lot at 7:00am, for no later than 7:15am departure (CoorsTek Parking Lot - Google Maps)

We'll then carpool to the Brainard Lake Recreation Area winter parking lot (Brainard Lake Winter Lot - Google Maps)

For those travelling from the north, we'll find an additional carpool location.

From the Brainard Lake Recreation Area winter parking lot we will snowshoe to Lake Isabelle in the Indian Peaks Wilderness. The views along this route are nothing short of stunning, especially in the winter, including Niwot Ridge and from Lake Isabelle we'll see Shoshoni Peak, Apache Peak, and Navajo Peak.

We'll hike a loop-ish route starting from the Brainard Lake Recreation Area winter parking lot, follwoing the Waldrop and Pawnee Pass trails to Lake Isabelle. We'll find a sunny spot near the lake and have lunch/snack. Our return route will follow the Jean Lunning trail along the southern side of Long Lake to the Brainard Lake road and then Snowshoe Trail 814.3 to the parking lot. Our route will avoid avalanche risk areas. Our pace will be comfortable for all participants. Overall ~11 miles and ~1300 ft elevation gain. (Lake Isabelle - BLRA - The Long Way - CalTopo)

The Bobcats’ mission is to ensure a variety of challenging CMC trips, mostly on weekdays, all year long, for our mostly 50+ constituents. We don’t have dues or elections and we invite ALL CMC members to sign up for any Bobcat trip. You can search the CMC Calendar for Bobcat trips any time by selecting “Bobcats Section” in the CMC Trip Calendar “Section pull-down menu. We email a monthly newsletter to our members with all the coming month’s trips, just after those trips are activated. To join our free mailing list and become a member, select the Bobcats Section anytime in your Member Profile.

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Ten essentials and snowshoes are required. Trekking poles are recommended.

Trip Reports