Hiking & Trekking
Wilderness Trekking School - Denver
Wilderness Trekking School (WTS) is for all – whether you want to bag a few 14ers OR just want to enjoy the scenery and make new friends in the CMC. Students are all ages, from 18 to 70+. If you’re new to hiking, WTS gives you the opportunity to learn how to travel safely and with confidence in the backcountry. If you’re an experienced hiker, WTS gives you a chance to review, enhance your skills, and possibly fill in some gaps. WTS also fulfills one of the requirements for taking Backpacking School and Alpine Scrambling Course.
Typically offered: One session in the Spring and one session in the Fall.
As an alternative to the in-person commitment of Wilderness Trekking School, consider the same curriculum in our modular version of the course: Day Hiker School
Day Hiker School (DHS) is for all who wish to hike safely in Colorado. It is a segment-based program – combining online classes and group work with in-person field days. The school is intended for ALL skill levels, from new hikers to experienced hikers who wish to brush up or fill holes in their skill set. The goal of DHS is to provide skills and create confidence when hiking in the beauty that is Colorado.
Typically offered: Open enrollment all year long.
Intro to Hiking SafetyThis course is great for anyone new to Colorado or new to the Colorado outdoors. Participants will learn how to be safe in the Colorado backcountry. Even if you are a proficient mountaineer from other mountain states, the Colorado mountains present very unique challenges. From high altitude concerns to intensely fast weather changes, learn how to prepare yourself and your group for a fun day in the Colorado mountains.
Typically Offered: This course is currently offered by our Denver Group in late June, July, and September.
AHS helps members improve on their personal hiking speed, strength, and stamina. AHS-labeled trips are offered mid-May through September, usually on Fridays, Saturdays, and/or Sundays. Members are encouraged to choose hikes based on their own on-going self-assessment. No ongoing commitment required. A typical member chooses comfortable hikes to start and then gradually progresses in trip length, maximum elevation, and difficulty. If you are consistent, you will be ready to tackle major new challenges by the end of summer. Hikes are posted at the CMC calendar and open to all CMC members (not guests) for free, but to receive occasional email updates and training suggestions, join the Ascending Hikes Section by contacting office@cmc.org.
Typically offered: Currently offered by our Denver Group in May - September.
New and Prospective Member Hikes
A free introductory hike for new members and guests wanting to know what the CMC is all about. Instruction includes 10 Essentials, Leave No Trace principles, hiking pace/speed, risk management, trail etiquette, and an overview of CMC activities and schools. Bring your questions!
Typically offered: Year-round, two or three times a month on the weekend.