Alpine Climbing School - Basic Student
This badge represents an individual is a student in the process of completing Alpine Climbing School.
Within the Technical Climbing School, you can take 6 of our 17 classes to earn a certificate in Alpine Climbing. Think of the Alpine Climbing School (ACS) as an academic/vocational degree within the Technical Climbing School. School prerequisites are: Proven backcountry experience, WTS or Wilderness Trekking School Waiver, Backpacking School, Equivalent Experience, High level of fitness (C level hiker classification), Basic Rock or Waiver, Navigation 1. The Alpine Climbing School includes the following courses: Navigation Level 2, Intermediate Rock Climbing, Basic Anchors, Climbing Self Rescue 1, Intermediate Snow, Advanced Snow. In addition to the classes above, you will also complete the following trips: Rock climb, High peak ridge climb, Couloir climb, High peak overnight grad climb. You have two options when it comes to ACS. 1. Modular Track: you simply look at the CMC calendar and select the class sessions that fit your schedule (e.g. Basic Climbing, Intermediate Snow, etc.). Registration for 2022 Winter Modular Track classes is now open! See individual classes for registration information. 2. Team Track: allows you to work with the same small group of classmates and instructors throughout all the Alpine Climbing classes. The traditional format is slightly less expensive, but the dates are more rigid. In the CMC calendar, filter for classes and look for Alpine Climbing School. There are three sessions of Team Track offered each year which runs March - June. When you click on the class, the Event Details will give you all the dates for that session.