RIMS Mobile App
Recreation Impact Monitoring System (RIMS)
The CMC RIMS program was launched in 2019 to help land managers collect and utilize crowdsourced data to better understand and address critical issues related to recreation and natural resources. The RIMS Mobile App is the data collection tool which includes GPS point data, detailed surveys, photos, editing and sharing features, and offline functionality.
App users can report trail maintenance needs, inventory campsites, track visitor use, and more to help agencies and stewardship groups prioritize hot spots and deploy crews to work on trail issues.
Learn More about RIMS
- Volunteers - join over 2,500 users across the country!
- Stewardship Organizations - craft a data collection plan to fit your local needs.
- Land Managers - get access to RIMS data and analytics through dashboards and data services.
- Academic & Conservation Organizations - use RIMS data for research and planning.
Search "CMC RIMS" in the Google Play or Apple App Store
Learn about app features and how we use the RIMS data in less than 20 minutes