We are excited to be offering Wilderness First Responder (WFR) and Wilderness First Responder Recertification (WFR-R) with Backcountry Pulse!
The WFR course is best for individuals who are outdoor instructors and guides, backcountry rangers, or wilderness therapy leaders volunteering or working multi-day to multi-week wilderness trips where medical/extrication equipment is limited, communication methods are spotty, weather and terrain are varied, and medical/rescue support is delayed.
WFR courses are 80-hour courses. Hybrid learning prior to the course + full day field days to apply the learning. The course focuses on:
- Rescuer, patient, bystander wellbeing and protection
- Risk mitigation for the environment and activity
- Ongoing management for environmental threats
- Spinal stabilization and patient packaging
- Patient physical exam and patient history
- Recognition of life threats and stabilization of emergencies
- Signs/symptoms of medical, traumatic, environmental illnesses and injuries
- Initiation of appropriate treatments based on assessment
- Patient monitoring and vital sign patterns
- Clear/concise verbal report and written documentation
- Planning, appropriate evacuation methods and patient handoffs
Wilderness First Responder - RECERTIFICATION
WFR-R is a 24-hour training with two field-days. Additional self-paced online portion required prior to the class.
WFR-Recertification courses are only available to participants with a recently expired WFR or soon to be expired WFR. It is an option to keep your WFR up to date without having to repeat the 80-hour course.
Visit cmc.org/Calendar to see all available WFR, WFR-R, and WFA classes that we have available.
Image credit: Backcountry Pulse
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Log in to add comments.Why isn't the WFR-R (recertification) course listed on the schools calendar?