Web Update for navigating Route & Places

Placeholder Contact Profile Scott Kramer
January 23, 2025
Placeholder Contact Profile Robbie Monsma
January 23, 2025

Routes & Places: Update

1. Reminder: “TBD” is no longer available

  • When the new CMC website launched, trip leaders were provided a "TBD" Route and Place (R&P) template to use when a suitable R&P did not exist. Volunteers then created new R&Ps to match all the submitted TBDs.
  • Now that there are about 1000 R&Ps available, it should be easier to find the appropriate R&P when scheduling a trip. Therefore, the TBD option has been discontinued. When planning a new trip, start by searching the Routes & Places database for your Activity. If you cannot find one, create one.

2. Tips About Finding, Creating, and Using Routes & Places

Remember, R&P’s are organized by trailhead, destination, or geographic area. When searching for an R&P, sometimes fewer words are better than more words, at least to start. Example: “Woods” instead of “Woods Peak” or “Woods Mountain.”

  • We use Alternate Titles for items related to the same place, so be sure to check the blue button called "Titles" on an R&P that returns in a search to see all your options. If an applicable Alternate Title is there, choose it when you set up the Activity and it will appear in your Activity title. Screenshot 2025-01-23 134446.png
  • If you find what seems like the right R&P but your Activity area is not listed as an Alternate Title, use the R&P "as is," add an explanatory title at the beginning of the Activity summary, and send us a quick request to add your Alternate Title using the form linked at the top of the R&P page, usually under the photo: Send us updates, images, and resources.Screenshot 2025-01-23 134532.png
  • If you find what seems like the right R&P and want to see previous Activities there, do a search under Find Trips using a date search for the past two or three years. You cannot duplicate a past trip, but you can cut and paste from it. For more info see Look at Past Trips to Help You Plan New Trips [upload and link still needed OR use REM Google docs]
  • If you do not see an R&P that relates to your proposed Activity, create a new R&P for the route or place, on the form linked near the top of any R&P page using “Add Route/Place.” It will be published and made available for your use to create an Activity, in most cases, much sooner then 48 hours, or on the Monday after a weekend. Usually sooner. New R&P’s are reviewed and finished AFTER they are published so we should not delay your use more than the system requires.Screenshot 2025-01-23 134542.png
  • It’s OK to leave blanks except when noted as a required field. WE appreciate as much information as you can provide, but please do not spend more time than you are willing or able. Lately, ChatGPT and browser AI’s seem a quick and reliable way to find missing info.


  • Remember, just do your best as someone else will be reviewing your work soon after submission to fill in any blanks and to review your provided info. Changes may be made.
  • Once it is published, you will receive an email notice that is available for you to use.
  • If you must leave your “Add R&P page,” be sure to SAVE it so you can return to it later.
  • Screenshot 2025-01-23 134552.png

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