Routes & Places: Update
1. Reminder: “TBD” is no longer available
- When the new CMC website launched, trip leaders were provided a "TBD" Route and Place (R&P) template to use when a suitable R&P did not exist. Volunteers then created new R&Ps to match all the submitted TBDs.
- Now that there are about 1000 R&Ps available, it should be easier to find the appropriate R&P when scheduling a trip. Therefore, the TBD option has been discontinued. When planning a new trip, start by searching the Routes & Places database for your Activity. If you cannot find one, create one.
2. Tips About Finding, Creating, and Using Routes & Places
Remember, R&P’s are organized by trailhead, destination, or geographic area. When searching for an R&P, sometimes fewer words are better than more words, at least to start. Example: “Woods” instead of “Woods Peak” or “Woods Mountain.”
- We use Alternate Titles for items related to the same place, so be sure to check the blue button called "Titles" on an R&P that returns in a search to see all your options. If an applicable Alternate Title is there, choose it when you set up the Activity and it will appear in your Activity title.
- If you find what seems like the right R&P but your Activity area is not listed as an Alternate Title, use the R&P "as is," add an explanatory title at the beginning of the Activity summary, and send us a quick request to add your Alternate Title using the form linked at the top of the R&P page, usually under the photo: Send us updates, images, and resources.
- If you find what seems like the right R&P and want to see previous Activities there, do a search under Find Trips using a date search for the past two or three years. You cannot duplicate a past trip, but you can cut and paste from it. For more info see Look at Past Trips to Help You Plan New Trips [upload and link still needed OR use REM Google docs]
- If you do not see an R&P that relates to your proposed Activity, create a new R&P for the route or place, on the form linked near the top of any R&P page using “Add Route/Place.” It will be published and made available for your use to create an Activity, in most cases, much sooner then 48 hours, or on the Monday after a weekend. Usually sooner. New R&P’s are reviewed and finished AFTER they are published so we should not delay your use more than the system requires.
- It’s OK to leave blanks except when noted as a required field. WE appreciate as much information as you can provide, but please do not spend more time than you are willing or able. Lately, ChatGPT and browser AI’s seem a quick and reliable way to find missing info.
- Remember, just do your best as someone else will be reviewing your work soon after submission to fill in any blanks and to review your provided info. Changes may be made.
- Once it is published, you will receive an email notice that is available for you to use.
- If you must leave your “Add R&P page,” be sure to SAVE it so you can return to it later.
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