USFS permitting updates

Check out the most recent email sent to each group representative regarding USFS permitting!
Mara Coe Mara Coe
June 03, 2024

Hi CMC group leaders,

I am reaching out regarding updates associated with future USFS permitting.

As most of us know, USFS permitting can be challenging, especially with the recent changes this past winter. In case you need a recap, CMC was recently told we could only utilize priority permits, which has been challenging for many courses this winter and will be challenging for future seasons.

The CMC staff has conveyed these concerns and challenges to the Forest Service, and they have agreed to allow CMC groups to create a "wish list" of locations that instructors would like to utilize for future winter and summer seasons. The goal is to create a priority permit with guaranteed locations that CMC can use each season, with the flexibility to change those locations and service days. The locations submitted can either be already on the priority permit list (attached to email) or temporary requests (locations not on the priority permit list). 

Note: This "wish list" is separate from the regular USFS submissions leaders fill out every winter and summer season. 

Attached/linked to this email, you will find three things...

  • Current priority permit list
  • Current active schools under each CMC group that currently utilizes USFS permits
    • If your group is not listed, you currently do not utilize USFS permits
  • Google form to fill out (wish list) of preferred locations.

Please complete the following...

  • Confirm that you are the best contact for your group for further communications regarding this.
  • Confirm that the current schools/courses listed under your group are either correct/need to be changed.
  • Disperse the Google form to the instructors/school directors in your group. Have them fill it out and return it return it by June 30, 2024.
    • I will send you a copy of what each instructor submitted to me to confirm that nothing is missing.

These requests will be submitted to the USFS, and while there is no guarantee that they will be approved, this is a significant step in the right direction. It's an opportunity for CMC to secure preferred locations and improve our relationship with the USFS.

 I appreciate your hard work helping CMC maintain a positive relationship with the USFS and creating a better process for your group's courses to run successfully.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email

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