Top 3 Trip Reports - March 2023

Each month, we sort through all your trip reports. Then, we pick our favorites and celebrate them here! Read on for our top three trip reports from March 2023.
Roberta Farrington Roberta Farrington
March 27, 2023

Did you know you can leave a review after participating in a CMC activity? Check out this blog to read the top trip reports from March. You can learn more about how to leave a quality trip report from a previous blog post.  We love hearing about your adventures and would like to see more photos. Next time you’re out with the Club, take a few photos to add to your trip report! 

Camp - Hoosier Pass

March 18 & 19, 2023
Leader: Kimberly Thornberry


This overnight was part of CMC’s Winter Camping School but, more importantly, it allowed our group to enjoy the winter in a spectacular location high in the mountains with a set of leaders/instructors who ensured our safety and created a very special experience...The night got a bit cold (~0F) with a touch of wind, but we were prepared and comfortable. We all slept late in the morning, waiting for the sun to find our camp. Once it did we made short order of breakfast together, breaking down our tents, packing up, and returning our snow structures to the natural, undisturbed environment (or as close as a reasonable group effort could deliver).

Read the full Trip Report here. 

Hiking - Golden Gate Canyon - Ralston Roost TH Loop

March 13, 2023

Leader: Rachel Dobrotin

This was my first trip with Rachel as leader and she was excellent. She was familiar with the route, provided guidance, and helped manage the group though changing trail conditions...Overall, about 5.2 miles and 1100 ft elevation gain in about 4 hours (we took some time for lunch and sharing what was in our first aid kits).

Read the full Trip Report here. 

Intermediate Snowshoe - Payne Creek

March 10, 2023

Leader: Robbie Monsma

At 8:00 am the first 1.7 miles to the Payne Creek / Brookside McCurdy split, was a rotating mix of ice, dry dirt, and mud. When we returned at 1:30 it was mostly melted and muddy. Once on Payne Creek Trail we put on spikes and encountered mostly packed snow surfaces. During the last .75 miles, we broke trail in a line, post-holing uphill in two-plus feet of loose, faceted snow, clearly blown around. After lunch we plunge-stepped back down the hill best we could but, because the trail there is also a wide drainage, there were many hidden logs and rocks so we had to pick our steps carefully.

Read the full Trip Report here.


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Ashley Hanlon
Ashley Hanlon says:
Mar 30, 2023 02:08 PM

Love getting to read reports about all of these adventures!

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