Upcoming Events

Hiking – South Valley Park
Great views, rocky formations. We will stop for photos. Easy hike. Looking for early spring blooming.

RMOTHG Trip – Orbital Trail - Segment 18
For Rocky Mountain Over the Hill Gang members ONLY. We will hike Segment 18 of the Denver Orbital Trail (DOT) through the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. We will be hiking from west to east. Suzanne Dysard will be leading this hike from east to west on the same day. We will meet in the middle and may stop for a snack/lunch break together

Basic Snowshoe – Deer Creek Trail at Montezuma
RMOTHG Deer Creek trail near Montezuma

Hiking – Mount Morrison
This is a steep, ~4-mile hike, gaining some 2,000 feet. It's an excellent conditioning hike, with great views of Denver and the Front Range.

Hiking – Rise & Grind - Upper Big Bluestem, Mesa and Towhee Trail Loop, Boulder OSMP
Rise & Grind - Upper Big Bluestem, Mesa and Towhee Trail Loop, Boulder OSMP