PPG Trip Leader School
Are You ready to become a CMC Trip Leader?? Pick the trips you want to lead, the time you want to lead them, share the experience with others, make new friends, and help promote fun and safe enjoyment of the Colorado Outdoors. What could be better?

- The process involves learning the Trip Leader roles and responsibilities by reading the CMC Leadership Manual. Leaders will learn about duties and responsibilities, as well as a number of “tried and true” tips to lead safe and fun trips while adhering to CMC guidelines. The manual is organized into chapters with the following information:
● CMC leader requirements● Information about planning and conducting a trip● Safety management and emergency response● CMC trip policies, guidelines, and insurance issues● CMC history, structure, and programs
- Reinforce your LM understanding by taking a self-paced online course
- Earning the Wilderness First Aid (WFA) certificate
- Join with other prospective leaders in an outdoor Scenario Session hike and review some common trip happenings and trip leader challenges
- Conduct a Leader-In-Training (LIT) hike under the guidance of a current CMC trip leader to show your trip leading ability
- Then your application is ready for submission and review.
- Learn the specifics of Trip Leading in the Pikes Peak Group by reviewing these documents:
- Find a PPG Trip Leader Mentor to support your Leader in Training Hike
- See more CMC trip leader Resources at https://www.cmc.org/members-volunteers/leader-resources/trip-leader-resources
- Contact Glenn Barr, PPG Trip Leader School (TLS) Director at GJB2000@GMAIL.COM with any questions or assistance in getting started.