PPG Advanced Rock Climbing Program

The Pikes Peak Group Advanced Rock-Climbing Program (or ARC Pro) for short, is an educational program aimed at climbers who have learned the basics of outdoor rock climbing and are looking to expand their climbing knowledge into new areas such as anchor building, sport climbing, trad climbing and multi-pitch climbing.  We also offer two levels of self-rescue classes to help climbers have skills to deal with the unplanned challenges that can arise while climbing.

Most of our classes are open to anyone who has taken a basic outdoor rock-climbing class and has the basic skills to perform climbing safety checks, belay a climber on top rope, and rappel.  We are open to climbers who have not taken a CMC basic rock-climbing class, yet have these prerequisite skills, and can arrange to get them “checked off” for this equivalency. 

A natural progression of classes would be Basic Anchors, Sport Lead Climbing, Traditional Gear and Anchors, Traditional Lead Climbing, then Multipitch Concepts; with Intro to Self-Rescue and Intermediate Self-Rescue taken anytime along the way.  Students are free, however, to take whichever class they think will benefit them the most in the pursuit of their climbing goals. 

Pikes Peak Group Advanced Rock-Climbing Program

(ARC Pro) 

Each class is generally offered once each year.

PPG ARC Pro Basic Climbing Anchors
This class is for those who have taken an introductory rock-climbing class and want to learn how to set up their own top-rope and sport anchors.  Teaches climbing anchor fundamentals that can also be applied to traditional rock, snow, and ice anchors. PrerequisitesBMS Rock Climbing or equivalent basic rock-climbing skills to include safety checks, top-rope belaying, and rappelling.


PPG ARC Pro Sport Lead Climbing
This class will teach participants the skills needed to safely lead sport climbs; to include setting up a top-rope anchor, cleaning the anchor and rapping or lowering down, along with some more advanced sport climbing skills.  It is designed for the climber who has climbed top-rope style, but who would like to advance into being a fully "independent climber" able to put up ropes at the start of a climb, and safely take down ropes at the end of a climb. Prerequisites:  BMS Rock Climbing or equivalent basic rock-climbing skills to include safety checks, top-rope belaying, and rappelling.


PPG ARC Pro Traditional Gear and Anchors
Students will learn about the various types of rock protection, including natural protection, passive protection (nuts, hexes) and active protection (cams); and how to place and incorporate pieces of protection into anchors.  We will discuss climbing anchors, to include top-rope, belay, and rappel anchors.  This class is a prerequisite to the Traditional Lead Climbing class. Prerequisites: BMS Rock Climbing or equivalent basic rock-climbing skills to include safety checks, top-rope belaying, and rappelling.


PPG ARCPro Traditional Lead Climbing Students will be introduced to the principles and techniques for leading “traditional” rock climbs. This class builds upon many of the concepts and skills taught in the PPG ARCPro Traditional Gear and Anchors class. Prerequisites:  BMS Rock Climbing, Sport Lead Climbing and the Traditional Gear and Anchors classes, or equivalent skills.


PPG ARC Pro Multipitch Concepts Students will learn techniques applicable to climbing multipitch routes, including preparation, anchors, belaying, cleaning gear, belay transitions, descending, and climbing with a 3-person team. Prerequisites:  BMS Rock Climbing or the equivalent at a minimum.  Leading skills are not necessary, but it is recommended that participants take the ARCPro Trad Gear and Anchors and Traditional Lead Climbing classes prior to this class, as students may practice placing trad gear and building trad anchors in this class.  However, this class will be beneficial to anyone looking to climb multipitch routes- to include leaders and followers.


PPG ARC Pro Introduction to Self-Rescue Students will learn self-rescue skills mainly applicable to single pitch climbing.  Students will learn techniques to ascend a rope, escape a belay, perform a climber pick-off with a counterbalance rappel, and pass a knot while on rappel. Prerequisites:  BMS Rock Climbing or equivalent basic rock-climbing skills to include safety checks, top-rope belaying, and rappelling.  All levels of climbers are encouraged to register to learn and practice these skills.


PPG ARC Pro Intermediate Self Rescue This class is for those who have completed the Introduction to Self-Rescue class and want to learn more self-rescue skills applicable to multipitch climbing.  Students will review the basic skills from the Intro class, then move into more advanced self-rescue skills- including skills such as lowering from a top belay, hauling methods, and multipitch tandem rappels.  Prerequisites:  BMS Rock Climbing and Introduction to Self-Rescue, or equivalent skills.


2024 Course Calendar:

  • Traditional Gear and Anchors- April 6, 7
  • Intermediate Self-Rescue- May 4, 5
  • Traditional Lead Climbing- June 1, 2
  • Basic Anchors- June 22
  • Multi-pitch Concepts- July 20, 21
  • Sport Lead Climbing- Aug 24, 25
  • Intro to Self-Rescue- Oct 12, 13

Stay tuned for registration links to these classes.

Contact the program director, Scott Kime, with any questions about class content, prerequisites, or for any help in choosing the class that is right for you.  We generally only offer each class once a year, so you’ll need to plan ahead to get the training that you want. 

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